Amino Acids For Carp Fishing: Give More Attraction And Palatability To Your Boilies And Baits
19 October 2023 / Nieuws
Are you looking for an easy way to make your bait more attractive to carp? With the right amino acids, you can create highly attractive boilies and baits that could help you reel in more carp.
However, not all amino acids are effective. Some might even discourage carp from approaching your bait.
What you will learn in this blog:
Why amino acids are attractive to carp
What amino acids works best and which to avoid
How to use amino acides into your boilies and baits
How to choose the right amino acids based on water temperature
What are amino acids and why is it important for carp?
What makes amino acids so effective for carp bait?
How to use amino acids in boilies and soaks
What amino acids to use depending on water temperature
Wrapping up
What are amino acids and why is it important for carp?
Amino acids are organic compounds that significantly increase the attractiveness and palatability of boilies and other baits for carp. Since 2012, we’ve supplying amino acids to many anglers and bait companies, and they’ve had great success using them.
When carp feed, they’re naturally drawn to the taste and smell of amino acids. Understanding which amino acids are beneficial and how to use them in your bait can make all the difference, especially as carp have seasonal preferences.
“I have used a range of the individual amino acids, betaine and other additives from Feedstimulants ever since I started developing the Butterfish range in 2020” – Christian, owner of Swedfishing AB
What makes amino acids so effective for carp bait?
Attractiveness and palatability
Carp are particularly responsive to certain amino acids because they play a key role in their feeding habits. Carp detect amino acids through their olfactory (smell) and gustatory (taste) systems. Amino acids like, L-glutamate, L-lysine, and L-arginine, are act as powerful feeding stimulants for carp.
Natural occurrence of amino acids
These amino acids naturally occur in many of the carp’s typical food sources, such as aquatic insects and plants. In addition to attracting carp, amino acids help them recognize protein-rich foods, which are vital for their growth and health.
Selecting the right amino acids for bait
Not all amino acids have the same effect on carp. While most are neutral, a few can even turn carp away. The key is to focus on the amino acids that carp find irresistible.
Interestingly, studies like “Gustatory and olfactory responses in Japanese Koi carp” by Philip Barnard in 2006, highlighted that L-amino acids generally stimulate the gustatory and olfactory systems of fish more than D-amino acids. So, when preparing your bait, it’s best to use L-amino acids.
How to use amino acids in boilies and soaks
Recommended dosage
When making a dry mix for your carp bait, we recommend using 5–15 grams of amino acids per kilo of dry mix.
Heat treatments
A common misconception is that boiling or steaming can damage the amino acids in your bait. Luckily, most amino acids can withstand heat without losing their properties. However, some, like L-cysteine and tryptophan, are more sensitive to heat and may lose their nutritional value at high temperatures, as noted by research from Cornell University.
Soaks and dips
Amino acids are also highly effective when used as soaks or dips. Coating your bait in amino acids adds an extra layer of attraction, which can encourage carp to take the bait.
What amino acids to use depending on water temperature
Warmer water (20°C and above)
In warmer conditions, carp are more active and have higher metabolic rates. This is the time when their bodies require more protein for growth and muscle development. Amino acids like L-lysine and L-arginine are crucial during this period, as they support protein synthesis, immune function, and muscle repair.
Composition: This compound is a blend of proven amino acid stimulants designed to entice carp in warmer waters. It’s not just a random mix but is formulated based on carp’s known preferences during the hotter months.
Advantages: What sets this compound apart is its unique combination of specially sourced pure L-amino powders. This mixture is considerably more taste stimulatory to carp feeding than other individual amino acids, upping your chances of getting a bite.
Colder waters (below 14°C)
In colder water, carp slow down their feeding, focusing more on maintaining their health and conserving energy. Amino acids like L-glutamine, proline, and L-histidine play a vital role during this time, helping carp sustain basic metabolic functions and support their immune systems.
Composition: The Winter Amino Acid Compound Powder is the answer to this seasonal shift. It’s a mix of amino acid stimulants that have been proven effective for carp in colder waters.
Advantages: Just like its summer counterpart, this compound offers a superior taste stimulatory effect for carp. By mimicking their preferred taste profile in the colder months, you significantly increase the likelihood of your bait being consumed.
Wrapping up
Adding amino acids to your bait can really make a difference. By understanding which amino acids work best, how to use them, and adjusting for the seasons, you’ll see more success!
The key is to keep things simple, experiment with your bait, and tweak it as you go. Find what works for you, and stick with it. Best of luck, and enjoy your time out fishing!